Thursday 12 July 2012

Make Up Academy - Amazing Face Primer

Ladies, Want flawless skin? Want a budget primer that gives you top results??

Then have a read of my blog post below on Make Up Academy’s Amazing Face Primer

Have you ladies ever wandered why your foundation does not stay on very long?? You apply your foundation in the morning to find by lunchtime it has gone patchy or seems to be sliding off. Hummm I am 100% sure we would all like to avoid this

Make Up Academy’s Primer is fantastic; apply this after your moisturiser (please do wait for your moisturiser to soak in first). Then apply the Primer all over your face, I normally apply this to the cheeks forehead, chin and nose, so pretty much everywhere were you apply your Foundation.

Again wait for the Primer to soak in before you apply your Foundation, if you do not wait for those few minutes, the primer will not have time to work into the skin and do its job properly.

Final Step apply your foundation evenly over your skin, you will find the texture of your skin is much softer, more even and the appearance of pores reduced.

I used this today and as soon as I applied it to my skin my skin appeared brighter and my redness went down a lot. As soon as I applied my Foundation I could tell instantly that it was sinking into my skin a lot better, which made my foundation much easier to apply.

I have tried quite a few primers and this is one of the best ones, and at such a great price.

The BEST part of this the Primer is ONLY £4.00 what a BARGAIN.

Head over to for perfect flawless skin.


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