Tuesday 15 May 2012

Benefit Boi - ing Industrial Strength Concealer - A god send :-)

This Benefit Boi-ing concealer is a god send, ever since I discovered this little gem a few months ago I have fell in love with it. This product targets dark circles, blemishes and un-even skin tone or any other flaw you feel you would like to cover. You can pop it anywere on your face. I use my finger around the eye area as I feel the heat on my fingers helps concealer blend into the skin better. For blemishes I use a brush, if I do not use a brush I find the product goes around the blemish onto areas I do not need it. This can look a little cakey if to much is applied. The consistancy of this product is amazing it’s really creamy and light. It comes in 5 different shades, so a shade to suit every skintone. At the counters this retails at £16.50 but you can pick it up cheaper on ebay which i did today. I like to save the penny’s were I can. :-))))

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