Monday 13 August 2012

Prepping the lips for a lucious clean base

Hi Ladies,

Today I thought I would do a little blog post on creating a nice clean base for your lips ready for your lipstick application.

I know some of us do not always have the most perfect soft lips on a day to day basis, mine do tend to go dry and sometimes which if not treated can make your lipstick look cracked, dry and flaky.

Below are a few tips for you to follow which will result in super soft lips.

Preparing your lips prior to applying lipstick (to remove any dry or flaky skin)

· Gently exfoliate the lip’s, a good treatment for this is Hollywood Lip’s Sweet Sugar Scrub.

· Finish off with a cool lip balm to heal the lips and protect them, I use Carmex Original Formula, this heals, protects and soothes and leaves your lips feeling really cool and fresh.

Preparing your lips ready for lipstick application:

· When applying your foundation do not skip your lip’s, make sure you brush the foundation over your lips, this creates a perfect canvas ready for your lipstick.

· Lipstick will stay on longer if the whole lip is filled in with lip liner. This will create an extra layer of colour.

· Apply your chosen shade, apply one layer then blot with a tissue, apply a second layer again blot with tissue. Grab a dusting brush and dust a small amount of transculent powder over your lips this will set the lipstick.

· To make your lips pop add a touch of gloss to the centre of the lips.

TIP - Matte Lipsticks tend to last longer but can dry out the lips, to avoid this and still use a matte lipstick mix the lipstick with some lip balm then apply to the lips.

After following these simple steps your lips should look super luscious, J


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