Saturday 23 June 2012

Sparkly Clean Make Up Brushes

Are we all cleaning our Make Up Brushes on a regular basis????

This is a very bad make up sin ladies ;-). To keep your brushes in tip top shape and clean use a baby shampoo to clean them every 2-3 days. Just pop a small amount onto the middle of your hand and wipe the dirty brush through it until you see the make up come out then swirl it round under the warm water until the water from the brush runs clear. Leave them to dry overnight.

I normally wash mine every few days and my professional brushes after every job so they are nice and clean ready for the next client.

If you do not wash your make up brushes regularly they gather bacteria and dead skin cells. When you are constantly using them every day you are brushing these dead skin cells and bacteria onto your clean skin. Which I am sure once you have read this will have you all saying ughhhhh. But that is the truth so make sure you keep them sparkly clean.

Sarah x

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